Scholarly Resources

Publications 694
Patents 65
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Bronze OA
  • Journal Articles253
  • Conference / In Proceedings293
  • Books / Chapters91
  • Other57

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Top ten Profiles

Dr Parikshit Mahalle Professor
Prof Vaishali Patil Dean
Dr Gitanjali Shinde Assistant Professor
Prof Pravin Futane Professor
Dr Gurunath Chavan Associate Professor
Dr Nitin Ambhore Assistant Professor
Dr Pravin Hujare Associate Professor
Dr Ashok Mache Associate Professor
Dr Nilesh Sable Associate Professor
Dr Kirti Wanjale Associate Professor
Dr Parikshit Mahalle Professor
Dr Nilesh Sable Associate Professor
Dr Gitanjali Shinde Assistant Professor
Dr Rupali Mahajan Associate Professor
Prof Pravin Futane Professor
Mr Santosh Kumar Assistant Professor
Dr Nitin Ambhore Assistant Professor
Dr Gurunath Chavan Associate Professor
Dr Ashok Mache Associate Professor
Mr Yashwant Ingle Assistant Professor


Tool condition monitoring system: A review...

Author: Nitin Ambhore ., Dinesh Kamble ., Satish Chinchanikar ., Vishal Wayal .,

Integration of Healthcare 4.0 and blockchain into ...

Author: Hemant B. Mahajan ., Ameer Sardar Rashid ., Aparna A. Junnarkar ., Nilesh Uke ., Sarita D. Deshpande ., Pravin R. Futane ., Ahmed Alkhayyat ., Bilal Alhayani .,

A modern approach for plant leaf disease classific...

Author: Chaitali G. Dhaware ., K. H. Wanjale .,

A review on nanofluids in minimum quantity lubrica...

Author: Satish Chinchanikar ., S.S. Kore ., Pravin Hujare .,

An experimental study on performance of jute-polye...

Author: Ashok Mache ., Anindya Deb ., Narinder Gupta .,

Investigations of magnetic and dielectric properti...

Author: Rohini S. Bhalerao-Panajkar ., Mandar M. Shirolkar ., Raja Das ., Tuhin Maity ., Pankaj Poddar ., S.K. Kulkarni .,

Evaluation of Cutting Tool Vibration and Surface R...

Author: Nitin Ambhore ., Dinesh Kamble ., Satish Chinchanikar .,