Vidwan-ID : 339908

  • Mr Pawan Wawage

  • Assistant Professor
  • Vishwakarma Institute of Information Technology
Publications 2021 - 2023


  • 2
    Journal Articles
  • 1
    Book Chapter
  • 4
    Data paper
  • 2

Co-author Network


Computer Science Software Engineering

Assistant Professor with 15+ years of experience teaching undergraduate and graduate courses in Information Technology. Extensive knowledge of UI design, User Experience design, and Human Computer Interaction. Actively participate in continued learning through conferences and professional research. Believe in students’ abilities to learn and inherent thirst for knowledge with the right environment. Actively work to connect students to their material to transform lives.

Personal Information

Mr Pawan Wawage

Department of Information Technology, Vishwakarma Institute of Information Technology
Pune, Maharashtra, - 411037


  • Assistant Professor

    Department of Information Technology

    Vishwakarma Institute of Information Technology


  • ME

    MIT College of Engineering, Pune

  • BE

    Rajiv Gandhi College of Engineering, Research and Technology

Research Projects

A Security device for Human beings in Critical situations

Funding Agency : BCUD

Healthcare and Mobile Medical Devices: Improving Healthcare Services Using Mobile and Cloud Assisted Systems

Funding Agency : BCUD

A Security device for Human beings in Critical situations

Funding Agency : BCUD

Healthcare and Mobile Medical Devices: Improving Healthcare Services Using Mobile and Cloud Assisted Systems

Funding Agency : BCUD

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