Vidwan-ID : 340357

Dr Shilpa Patil

Vishwakarma Institute of Information Technology


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Civil Engineering

Analysis and Design of RC and Steel Structures, Concrete Technology, Structural Health Monitoring using non-destructive techniques, Corrosion assessment of RC structures.

Personal Information

Dr Shilpa Patil

Flat No. 1001, E7 Building, Department of Civil Engineering, Vishwakarma Institute of Information Technology
Pune, Maharashtra, India - 411037


  • Professor

    Department of Civil Engineering

    Vishwakarma Institute of Information Technology


  • Ph. D.

    BRACT's Vishwakarma Institute of Information Technology, Pune

  • Master of Engineering

    Walchand College of Engineering, Sangli

  • Bachelor of Engineering

    Walchand College of Engineering, Sangli

Research Projects

Structural Health Monitoring of concrete element using Acoustic Emission Technique

Funding Agency : Rajiv Gandhi Science and Technology, Government of Maharashtra

Study of Electrochemical Behaviour of Rebar undergoing Accelerated Corrosion

Funding Agency : BCUD, Pune University

Development of a Methodology for Corrosion Assessment of Reinforced Concrete Structures based on Non-destructive Techniques

Funding Agency : Science and Engineering Research Board (SERB)

Structural Health Monitoring of concrete element using Acoustic Emission Technique

Funding Agency : Rajiv Gandhi Science and Technology, Government of Maharashtra

Study of Electrochemical Behaviour of Rebar undergoing Accelerated Corrosion

Funding Agency : BCUD, Pune University

Development of a Methodology for Corrosion Assessment of Reinforced Concrete Structures based on Non-destructive Techniques

Funding Agency : Science and Engineering Research Board (SERB)

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